Our products in style ""
To buy!Artistic table handmade from the old oak root - luxury furniture
Luxury oak tree table - each piece is originally made in cooperation with an artistic woodcarver
To buy!Modern seating on a terrace - luxury table and chairs
To buy!A modern stainless steel chair
To buy!A stainless steel - where the future and past encounter
To buy!A modern stainless steel table - a futuristic design
To buy!Modern seating from stainless steel – designed and handcrafted in UKOVMI
To buy!A modern wrought iron swing - a hint of futurism
A stainless steel font cover
Stainless steel plaque with an inscription made for Butkov, the youngest pilgrimage place in Slovakia
A stainless steel cross on a modern church
Stainless steel plate with a forged text
Design of a forged monument with a stainless steel cross with the option of accessories and decorations
A modern wrought iron gate - stainless steel - iron combination
A modern wrought iron gate - stainless steel - iron combination
A modern wrought iron gate - stainless steel - iron combination
A stainless steel gate - A luxury gate
A wrought - brushed stainless steel gate - A modern gate
To buy!A luxury stainless steel lighting – SPIRALS – A modern handcrafted chandlier from smooth stainless steel
To buy! A modern stainless steel chandelier with spirals – A pendant lighting for your interior
To buy!The detail of a luxury pendant lighting – A modern chandelier with handcrafted spirals
Original stainless steel lighting BARK made for a German client – a modern wall light
To buy!A stainless steel wrought iron lighting
To buy!A stainless steel light- Chopok Rotunda
To buy!Stainless steel lighting - Chopok Rotunda
A stainless steel candleholder as a jewel - luxury lighting
Treat your house to a gem - a stainleess steel candleholder
To buy!A modern stainless steel chest of drawers - luxury furniture
To buy!A stainless steel mirror - a luxury mirror
To buy!An exclusive stainless steel mirror created with passion - luxury mirrors
Handmade mirror made of ground stainless steel – design mirror
To buy!A stainless steel mirror hand made in UKOVMI
A unique stainless steel mirror in the bathroom
Modern anteroom furniture – forged shoe rack, hanger stand, umbrella stand, stainless steel cabinet and mirror
To buy!A modern stainless steel firewood rack with fireplace tools
To buy!Modern fireplace sets – a firewood rack with stainless steel tools
To buy!A fireplace set - rust + varnish
A handcrafted stainless steel wood basket – A modern firewood rack
A modern firewood rack with tools + a luxurious handcrafted wood basket
A stainless steel fireplace - Rotunda Chopok - Recast history
A stainless steel fireplace - Rotunda Chopok - Recast history
Steel bio fireplace
Fiery passion - wrought iron fireplace Srdiečko Hotel
Fiery passion - wrought iron fireplace Srdiecko Hotel
To buy!A stainless steel candleholder
To buy!A wrought stainless steel fruit bowl
Sunny hours - The world's unique in Slovakia
Sunny hours - The world's unique in Slovakia - a detail
Thousand year-old Oak Tree Clock - a luxury oak tree trunk clock complemented by modern stainless steel elements
Exclusive Oak Wood Clock - original handmade pieces
To buy!Stainless steel numbers 0 - 9
To buy!Stainless steel numbers 0 - 9
A stainless steel flower pot and candle holder
A stainless steel frame
A wrought iron frame
Work of art - a wrought iron plastic art
A wrought iron awning in a family house patio
A wrought iron picture - wine collection